Legal, Privacy and Cookie Policy

Legal Notice

Address: Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerland
Incorporation number: CHE-297.831.359
Contact Email:
Contact Phone Number: +41 (0) 791 793 052
Legal Representative: David Roth

Privacy Policy

1. Personal Data Collected

KIEN ADVISORS GmbH LCC collects personal data, including name, email, and phone number, only when users request to be contacted or register for a course.

2. Purpose of Data Collection

The data collected is used solely to respond to inquiries from visitors, primarily for customer service purposes.

3. Data Sharing

KIEN ADVISORS GmbH LCC does not share personal data with third parties. However, independent consultants working with the company may have access to this information if they are involved in a specific project. This access is subject to the client’s consent, which will be obtained at the time of service engagement.

4. User Rights

Users have the right to rectify and delete their contact information. Requests for such actions can be made via email to

5. Data Retention

Personal data is retained for a period of 120 days.

6. International Data Transfer

While KIEN ADVISORS GmbH LCC operates in Switzerland, which may be considered outside the European Economic Area (EEA), there is no routine transfer of personal data outside the EEA.

Cookie Policy

1. Types of cookies user
  • Necessary Cookies: Essential for the website’s operation.
  • Technical Cookies: Used to configure specific settings for each user, enhancing their experience.
  • Analytics Cookies: Employed to analyze user behavior on the site.
  • Advertising Cookies: Used to deliver targeted advertising.
2. Purpose of Cookies
  • Necessary Cookies: Ensure the website functions correctly.
  • Technical Cookies: Optimize user-specific settings and improve the overall user experience.
  • Analytics Cookies: Provide insights into user behavior for website improvement.
  • Advertising Cookies: Facilitate the delivery of personalized advertisements.
3. Consent

Users can accept or reject cookies upon their first visit to the website. They can modify their consent at any time by clicking a fixed link in the footer, which will display the cookie banner again.

4. Cookie Deactivation

Users can manage and deactivate cookies directly from the website via a dedicated link for consent management.