Navigating Uncertainty

2/4 days 6 hrs./day
Teams & Mgmt.
English, German


How can organisations and teams survive and thrive amidst ever-changing environments? Through building a sense of common purpose, working collaboratively, and being responsive to shifting circumstances.

It’s not easy — but nor is it impossible. And it’s why we’ve developed this Terra Incognita training, to pull from what works across different sectors, and provide teams and leaders like you the tools and frameworks to guide your organisation in these uncertain times.


How it Works

Across two days of remote, experiential learning, you’ll learn practical tools and explore how to build the following in your teams and organisations:

  • Agility and responsiveness: Ability and willingness to shift priorities and seize opportunities as circumstances change
  • Collaboration and co-creation: These skills build the collective alignment and trust necessary to be able to quickly pivot and re-prioritise
  • Defined and common purpose: This lies at the heart of building sustainable and innovative organisations and businesses with purpose


Terra Incognita Leadership



Leading with purpose and fostering alignment

  • Explore leading with purpose, connecting your organisation’s objectives with the hearts and minds of your teams
  • Focus on nurturing collaboration and trust in ever-changing environments
  • Building strategic alignment & resilience


Adapting to Unexpected Scenarios

  • Design relevant response strategies in disruptive circumstances
  • Reprioritising in response to shifting circumstances

Is it for me?

We’ve designed this training specifically for teams and managers, in purpose driven organisations with serious ambition to foster innovation while keeping everyone engaged, connected and motivated. Ideally, participants would come with at least one other person from the same organisation.

This is also ideal for a fuller cohort of participants from companies, organisations, and agencies that want to become more resilient to crises, facing challenges in virtual communication, co-creation, and collaboration between management and staff in remote settings. This is ideal for a full management team to participate in as a unit.

Training Details

The training format is a two-day module. Until we can meet in person, the trainings will take place online. Each training day will have a three-hour morning session, followed by a one-hour lunch break, followed by a 3-hour afternoon session. The morning and afternoon sessions will each include breaks.

Participants will have access to a one-hour private coaching session with a training facilitator. Curious about the training and want to learn more before diving in? Reach out at and we’ll set up a call to discuss.
The training will take place in English; there will also be German-speaking facilitators. The training will be timed to coordinate best with Central European time zones.


The virtual training is fully interactive and combines short inspirational sessions and instructions with hands-on exercises.

KIEN works with experience-based learning and situational coaching, taking you through a process of concrete experiences followed by reflective sessions.

Throughout the training you will have plenty of opportunities to land and formulate insights on how to apply your ideas and learnings into your own organizational context.​

Collaborate Create

Training Dates

Every semester and on demand

Instructor - Prices

Training Team

This curriculum was developed and will be delivered by veteran systemic organisational development professionals who have worked with leading companies, NGOs, and governmental agencies — like Siemens, Helmholtz Institute, GIZ, UNICEF, UNDP, Amnesty International, Greenpeace, WWF, CIVICUS, and many more.

Our Trainers

Price & contact for more details:

Each Module is currently limited to 15 seats.

Package 1: 1100€ per participant

Package 2: 1050€ per participant if 2 participants come from the same organization

Price scale – contact us for details

Navigating Uncertainty