Case study

Enhancing Talent Attraction and Retention


The Problem

With rising competition in hiring software developers in the automotive market, Vector’s HR team noticed a significant decline in both the quantity and quality of applications over the past two years. Employee satisfaction ratings have also dropped significantly this year, exacerbated by the pandemic’s impact on workplace events and perks, leading to a perceived decrease in Vector’s attractiveness as an employer. Additionally, major OEMs like Daimler and VW have established their own software houses, drawing talent away from companies like Vector. To address these challenges, Vector needed to reassess its processes, employer brand, candidate engagement strategies, and overall attractiveness to both university graduates and experienced professionals in software development.

Our Solution

Kien Advisors GmbH facilitated a Co-Creation Workshop series for Vector’s HR team to tackle these issues comprehensively. The workshop series consisted of two sessions, designed to generate actionable ideas and concepts for immediate implementation.

Our Impact

The Co-Creation Workshop series led to significant outcomes for Vector’s HR strategy:

  • Enhanced Talent Attraction: The team generated over 150 ideas and developed several innovative concepts aimed at increasing Vector’s visibility and appeal to software developers.
  • Improved Retention Strategies: Ideas focused on enhancing employee satisfaction through new initiatives that replicated the social and environmental benefits lost during the pandemic.
  • Prototyping and Testing: Developed and tested prototypes provided immediate feedback, allowing for quick iteration and improvement of the concepts.
  • Strategic Alignment: The workshops fostered a collaborative environment where HR team members aligned on key strategies and objectives, ensuring cohesive implementation of new initiatives.

By leveraging systemic and design thinking methodologies, Kien Advisors empowered Vector’s HR team to transform their talent acquisition and retention processes, enhancing their competitive edge in the automotive software development market. The participatory approach ensured that the solutions were tailored to Vector’s specific needs, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and innovation.

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