GIZ Projects
Case study

Navigating Change: Strategic Alignment for Development and Migration


The Problem

The GIZ Sector Project on Migration and Development aims to advise the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) on integrating development-oriented approaches into migration policy decisions. As the political landscape and organizational structures rapidly evolve, the team needed strategic alignment and an agile management structure to navigate these changes effectively.

Our Solution

Kien Advisors GmbH was tasked with designing, moderating, and documenting up to three team workshops. These workshops aimed to enhance strategic planning, review and adjust steering processes, and foster a cohesive team culture. The G.R.O.W. model (Goal, Reality, Options, What’s Next) guided the workshop structure, focusing on diagnosing current challenges, developing solutions, and implementing strategic actions.

Workshop Phases

  1. Goal (Orientierungsphase)
    • Define themes and objectives.
    • Conduct interviews to gather relevant information.
    • Identify key stakeholders and resources.
  2. Reality (Diagnosephase)
    • Analyze the current situation and challenges.
    • Assess previous actions and existing agile practices.
    • Clarify team and leadership expectations.
  3. Options (Entwicklungsphase/Veränderungsphase)
    • Develop and test strategic options.
    • Co-create solutions with team members.
    • Implement changes and stabilize new processes.
  4. What’s Next (Abschlussphase)
    • Review achievements and remaining tasks.
    • Ensure the team can independently sustain changes.
    • Provide situational coaching as needed post-workshops.

Our Impact

The workshops facilitated:

  • A strategic alignment of team objectives with BMZ’s policy directions.
  • Regular assessment and adaptation of steering processes.
  • Enhanced team organization and role understanding.
  • Improved team culture through feedback and communication practices.
  • Sustainable results through continuous support and documentation.

Project Management and Personnel David Roth led the project, ensuring regular coordination and clear responsibility assignment using Microsoft Teams. The workshops were conducted in hybrid formats, combining in-person and virtual participation with tools like Miro for interactive collaboration.

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