Modernizing Operations
Case study

Digital Drive: From Complexity to Simplicity


The Problem

The client faced challenges with complex and outdated process structures, leading to excessive manual effort and high resource consumption among employees. This resulted in increased costs, resource strain, and declining motivation. There was a clear desire for change through digitalization and process simplification expressed by all employees.

Our Solution

We undertook a digitalization and process transformation project involving strategic analysis, implementation, and support for the introduction of software with a focus on comprehensive process and personnel guidance throughout the transformation process.

Through requirement surveys and process analyses, it became evident that an appropriate ERP system could address and improve various challenges on multiple levels. Following a comprehensive evaluation, an ERP software was selected and subsequently introduced technically and substantively with the assistance of an IT partner. Throughout the entire change process, we provided advisory and coaching support to employees to ensure the transformation was sustainable.

Our Impact

The implementation of a system that meets current requirements and can establish potential interfaces.

Improvements in user-friendliness led to increased efficiency and smoother project handling. Additionally, we identified improvements in ongoing processes (digitization, simplification, standardization) during the evaluation.

Employees reported increased job satisfaction, higher motivation, and highlighted improvements in transparency.

In a hyper connected world meaningful relationships make the difference.
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