World Health Organization
Case study

Redefining Public Health: Empowering Patients through Collaborative Innovation


The Problem

The public healthcare system is usually top-down, non participatory, set up by policy makers and experts, but barely taking into consideration the needs of the end users, the patients. The World Health Organization (WHO) have been looking at innovative ways to involve the patients in designing solutions to their healthcare problems and have been using multistakeholder, participatory methods to understand the patients’ problem and co-design solutions with all stakeholders on board in the design process.

Our Solution

A pilot project was initiated after the first national sector meeting to explore the possibility of launching a Coalition of Partners (CoP) to strengthen public health services nationally. The initiative is framed within the local government’s Action Plan for the Protection of Families. A core team of healthcare professionals was formed to work together through participatory and interactive sessions to identify key challenges, opportunities, and leadership skills that could be applied to the pilot project for the local CoP (Coalition of Partners) on children’s health.

Our Impact

The year-long pilot project together with the local Ministry of Health and WHO have been implemented in 5 different locations nationwide. The result was a collaborative strategic plan with many different activities not only targeting children, but their parents and their educational environment representatives, which was unprecedented in the public health system.

In a hyper connected world meaningful relationships make the difference.