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Case study

Long-Term Global Strategy Framework Development


The Problem

Support the facilitation design, development and implementation of the new Long-Term Global Framework (LTGF). Adapted, understood and implemented by all 48 offices across six continents and in various cultural backgrounds.The LTGF establishes the strategy, milestones, and priority geographies for the Global Programme Campaigns. It describes the 10-year external outlook and the role of the intl. Organisation, links the key issues to battleground countries, and describes ambitious objectives and outcomes.

Our Solution

KIEN supported and helped to facilitate the design, development and implementation of The Framework full circle. The duration of the project was roughly 12 months. KIEN led the design and facilitation of intelligence gathering initiatives (Big Listening), to service the information needs of the organization for the development of the LTGF. We collected and analyzed information on local, regional, and global matters on emerging issues including, inter-alia, urbanization, peace, resource efficiency and sustainable consumption and production, and other issues relevant to the environmental dimension of the global programme and the Social Development Goals (SDGs).

We supported the design, and advised the distillation process (consolidation workshops) resulting in the development of the skeleton of the LTGF. During the implementation phase of the LTGF, KIEN designed, developed, and delivered custom learning experiences across six continents and various cultural contexts. To build core campaign skills, strengthen organizational leadership, drive implementation of the Global Programme, and create lasting global impact.

Our method

Based on the principles of Design Thinking we did the following: Empathy, a process was designed that allowed for everyone inside and voluntarily from outside the organization to input to the design of the LTGF. The Big Listening process, was a series of face to face workshops, virtual meetings and online engagement. With the objective to ignite big thinking conversations across the intl. organization about how might the world look over the next 10 years and how might the organization be in a position to influence this over that time and beyond. It is an ambitious co-creation process to surface “loud insights” that will both inform and guide the LTGF.

With roughly 4,000 staff, 3 million donors and around 17 million supporters, the internal component of Big Listening as you could imagine is large. In addition to this internal component there was also an external engagement as part of the Big Listening to validate, expand or even challenge own insights as a global community. Solution focused mindset, part of that mindset is understanding that the problem and the creation of a solution develop in tandem through a process of analysis, synthesis and evaluation. The Big Listening process was followed by a series of consolidation workshops. To distill the richness of ideas, thoughts and reflections into manageable themes, trends and solutions across the organization. This helped to build the skeleton of the LTGF. Next we conducted a series of workshops to build on and structure the collective thoughts into a clear trajectory producing the LTGF draft proposals.

These drafts were then further refined and approved through a closing round of decision finding sessions with various accountability bodies of the organization. Iterate, we aggregated knowledge and expertise, to find patterns and trends and identify opportunities, we created solutions to learn from feedback in order to adapt and iterate solutions. Towards the finalization of the LTGF a set of competencies and skills was identified that was needed by the global workforce of the organization in order to be prepared for the implementation of The Framework and the future of the organization. Collaboration, Co-Creation, Critical Thinking, Structured Creativity, Solution Focus, Independency, Agile working, are some of the important competencies needed.

Our Impact

The new global framework’s ‘one programme approach’ aims at keeping global temperature rise below 1.5 degrees. Its core function is the systematic identification, incubation and inclusion of innovative decarbonization initiatives, across issue areas, to help form the global programme.Implementation: How was the Long-Term Global Framework applied?

The LTGF is a guiding framework that enables the organization to continually observe, orientate, decide and act in a fast changing environment, and includes a big picture overview of the global context within which the organization operates work. It describes its Theory of Change and its role in making bigger change happen. It defines what the organization does in the bigger picture and how it engages and empowers both themselves and others to make change. It will explore how this is contextualized in a variety of different realities – for example what does people-powered change mean in different political and social environments in which the organization operates or how should the global programme reflect the issues the organization wants to win on. Alignment in the implementation of the LTGF, in all 48 offices around the globe was key to make it work. A first step was the translation of The Framework into a number of languages. Followed by guidelines on how to use it, what it means for the different offices and for each individual involved in the implementation (eg. how does The Framework impact the way I do my job as Campaigner, Financial Controller, etc.)

The client says

“Working with them has been absolutely wonderful. Their expertise, dedication, and seamless collaboration made the entire experience exceptional. Grateful for the outstanding results and the pleasure of partnering with such a phenomenal team!”
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