Orange Digital Center
Case study

Empowering Leaders: Navigating AI for Strategic Success


The Problem

In an era marked by rapid technological advancements and environmental sustainability trends, businesses must evolve to stay competitive. AI is emerging as a transformative technology that can redefine business models and operations across various industries. However, many business leaders lack a comprehensive understanding of AI’s potential and the strategic implementation of AI projects. The Orange Digital Center sought to address this gap by developing a training course that would equip participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to leverage AI effectively in their organizations.

Our Solution

Kien Advisors GmbH was tasked with designing and implementing a comprehensive online training course titled “AI for Business” tailored for the Orange Digital Center. The course aimed to provide participants with a deep dive into AI technologies, their applications, ethical considerations, and strategic implementation within business contexts. The course was delivered over three consecutive days, utilizing interactive virtual tools like MS Teams and Atingi to facilitate an engaging and immersive learning experience.

Our Impact

The “AI for Business” training course successfully achieved several key outcomes:

  • Enhanced AI Understanding: Participants gained a thorough understanding of AI technologies, global trends, and their applications across various industries.
  • Ethical Awareness: The course emphasized the importance of ethical considerations in AI, equipping participants with the knowledge to navigate ethical challenges in AI deployment.
  • Practical Application: Through real-world case studies and practical exercises, participants developed their own AI business cases and learned how to implement AI projects strategically.
  • Collaborative Learning: The interactive nature of the course fostered collaboration among participants, enhancing their ability to co-create and innovate.

The structured and immersive approach ensured that participants could directly apply their learnings to their work environments, making a tangible impact on their organizations’ AI strategies.

Detailed Course Outline

Day 1: Global Perspective on AI

  • AI Applications
  • The Ethics of AI
  • AI Business Cases

Day 2: Design Thinking Principles

  • Empathize: User Stories
  • Define: Define Challenge
  • Ideate: Work with Creativity Technique
  • Prototype: Lean Startup

Day 3: Testing and Feedback

  • Business Model Canvas
  • Strategy and Roadmap
  • Toolbox for Virtual Collaboration
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