Amnesty International
Case study

Navigating Uncertainty: Agile Transformation at Amnesty International


The Problem

Amnesty International Swiss Section faced the challenge of transitioning from traditional hierarchical structures to agile working methods to better adapt to the VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous) world. The organization needed to break down silos, improve decision-making speed, and foster a more collaborative and efficient work environment. Ensuring staff engagement and readiness for agile methods was also a critical component of this transformation.

Our Solution

Kien Advisors GmbH facilitated the transformation by initiating a series of retreats and workshops aimed at creating a shared vision and understanding of agile principles among staff. The proposed dual organizational structure combined stability with flexibility, enabling the organization to handle routine tasks efficiently while fostering innovation and quick adaptation. Practical agile methods, such as Kanban boards and daily stand-up meetings, were implemented to enhance transparency and task management.

In addition, a comprehensive analysis of the current system was conducted, which included surveys and interviews with staff to evaluate their understanding and readiness for agile methods. This data-driven approach ensured that the transformation process was tailored to the specific needs and capabilities of the organization.

Our Impact

The transformation led to significant improvements in collaboration and efficiency within Amnesty International Swiss Section. The breakdown of silos fostered a more integrated working environment, and the introduction of agile methods facilitated better task management and process acceleration. Teams felt more empowered, taking on greater responsibility and experiencing higher job satisfaction through active engagement in the transformation process.

The organization also developed enhanced adaptability, allowing it to respond quickly to changes and new challenges. The cultural shift towards a more collaborative and flexible work environment was successfully initiated, setting a strong foundation for ongoing improvement and innovation.

Insights for Other Organizations
The successful transformation at Amnesty International Swiss Section offers valuable insights for other organizations facing similar challenges. Engaging all levels of the organization is crucial, ensuring top-down support and active participation from all employees. Starting with small pilot projects allows for testing and refining agile methods before a broader rollout. A cultural shift is essential for sustainable change, requiring continuous training and reinforcement of agile principles.

By leveraging these strategies, organizations can effectively navigate their own transformations, fostering a more adaptable and resilient work environment. For tailored support and professional guidance in your agile journey, the Kien Advisors team is here to help.

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