Case study

Navigating Complexity: Mastering Agility in International Cooperation


The Problem

The rapidly changing and increasingly complex work environment, often referred to as the VUCA world (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity), demands organizations to be agile in managing and executing projects. Traditional project management approaches struggle to keep pace with these dynamics, especially in international cooperation where cultural sensitivities and unique challenges are prevalent. The goal was to equip participants with agile methodologies to handle these complexities effectively.

Our Solution

Kien Advisors GmbH developed and delivered an online course titled “Introduction to Agile Methods in International Cooperation Projects.” The course was designed to provide a comprehensive overview of agile methodologies, including Scrum, Kanban, Design Thinking, and Lean Startup. Conducted over three consecutive days, the course was highly interactive, utilizing tools like MS Teams and Miro for collaborative learning. Participants engaged in experiential learning through case studies, practical exercises, and reflective sessions.

The course agenda was structured as follows:

  • Day 1: Understanding Agility
  • Day 2: Design Thinking in Action
  • Day 3: Testing and Business Modelling

Our Impact

The online course successfully achieved several key outcomes:

  • Enhanced Agility: Participants gained a solid understanding of agile methodologies and how to apply them in their projects.
  • Practical Application: Through real-world case studies and practical exercises, participants could directly relate the agile concepts to their work in international cooperation.
  • Innovative Solutions: The course fostered the development of innovative solutions tailored to the unique challenges faced in international projects.
  • Sustainable Learning: The establishment of collegial networks and ongoing coaching opportunities ensured continuous learning and support beyond the course duration.

By adopting these agile methodologies, participants are now better equipped to navigate the complexities of their work environments, leading to more effective and efficient project management in international cooperation contexts.

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